Non-public School Students and Parents
Text Book Loan Program
The Mount Pleasant Central School District has standardized our textbook loan program procedures for all resident students attending a Private or Parochial (non-public) School. The district will provide textbooks and/or workbooks used as primary sources of study material for New York State or local curriculum. Summer or discretionary reading materials are not inclusive of this process.
The parent or guardian of each student is responsible for submitting the required District Textbook Request Form. Please submit one form for each child attending a non-public school. All requests must be submitted by June 30 of the year preceding the school year of attendance at the non-public school. Look at our instructions for completing textbook loan request for more information.
The books will be secured either new or used from the district’s inventory. The parent/guardian will be contacted when the books are available for pick up at Mt Pleasant CSD, District Office, 825 Westlake Drive, Thornwood.
At the end of the school year, you are responsible to return all books, excluding workbooks, to Mt Pleasant CSD, District Office, 825 Westlake Drive, Thornwood by no later than June 30. If a book is damaged or lost, the parent or guardian will be responsible for replacing the book as new. Failure to return any book on time will result in the prohibition of student eligibility for textbook loans in subsequent years.
We cannot proceed with your order until the form is completed in its entirety.
New York State Textbook Loan Program
The loan of textbooks from the Mt. Pleasant Central School District to Mt. Pleasant residents attending non-public schools is governed by the regulations of the New York State Textbook Loan Program (NYSTL), Education Law §701, and the Somers Board of Education Policy #1740. The administrative guidelines for the NYSTL program are contained, and incorporated by reference, in the Handbook on Services to Pupils Attending Nonpublic Schools published by the New York State Education Department.
Out of District Transportation
To read more information about Out of District Transportation, please view our Transportation page.