Curriculum, Instruction & Administrative Services
The administration and faculty of the Mount Pleasant Central School District are dedicated and committed to providing a highly challenging and comprehensive education for each child. It is the primary goal of the district to encourage and nurture each student to fully develop his or her potential as a responsible, constructive citizen of our society, and in that society to be a self-sufficient and self-fulfilled individual.
Portrait of a Mount Pleasant Learner
Contact Us
Dr. Adam BronsteinAssistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction & Administrative Services (914) 769-5500, x5118 Mary Timms
Secretary (914) 769-5500, x5104
It is truly an honor to serve as the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction & Administrative Services for the Mount Pleasant Central School District. It is my goal that we work together in a thoughtful, transparent and collaborative way to move our schools forward, in order to meet the needs of the 21st century learner. Please feel free to e-mail, call or click on this link to set up a time to meet with me. Our door is always open!